Different Options for Fishing Noosa

Noosa, although growing in population, and popularity, is still one of Queensland Australia’s prime fishing grounds, and clean waterways.
From Fishing the many jetties along the Noosa River for Bream, to fishing the Barwin Banks for monster Snapper, there are many options for fishing Noosa, from complete Novice, to professional.
The Reefs and bait grounds range in depth, and distance from shore. All aspects of noosa fishing have their merits, and seasonal changes keep it interesting year round. We are lucky in Noosa! Noosa is about as far South as species like Coral Trout, and Red Emperor go, and about as far North as Snapper and Pearl Perch, so, we have the best of both worlds.
We also have fairly clear fishing seasons in Noosa. We get our Snapper and Pearl Perch over the winter, and in Summer we catch Coral Trout, Sweetlip, Mackerel and other pelagics. (The way the seasons are changing, we seem to be catching winter fish through the Summer, and summer fish through the winter too!)
With the range of fish species, coupled with the close proximity of reefs, Noosa is one of Queensland’s leading fishing destinations.

Noosa River Fishing

One of the most popular parts of Noosa to fish is the Noosa river. With so many nooks and crannies to explore, the options for fishing are endless. From Woods Bay, near Hastings street, to the Noosa Sound Canals, to Tewantin Marina, and all the water in between, the easily accessible parts of the Noosa River are easily fished for Bream, Whiting, Flathead, Trevally, Taylor, Estuary Cod, moses perch, and Mangrove Jack. As well as many other species…..we even catch Cobia and Spotted Mackerel in the river at times. There is always the chance catching some of the many species Shark that inhabit the Noosa River, such as Bull Sharks.
Further up the Noosa river, toward Lake Cooroibah, there is a feel of wilderness, as traces of civilisation are replaced with trees, and National parkland. Up around this part of the Noosa river, fishing is plentiful, and it is always worth putting the crab pots out for some Mud Crabs!
For those who don’t mind staying up late (Or getting up really early), it is often worth getting a torch, and a net to catch prawns on the out running tides.

Fishing Laguna Bay

Laguna Bay comes alive from summer through to just after easter. The water boils as schools of bait try to escape from the Tuna and Mackerel that are trying to feast on them. It is easy to load up on Mackerel when the bait balls are firing in Laguna bay, a quick crossing of the Noosa bar, and you are in the middle of the fish in no time! Often, all that is needed are some silver slugs, or spoons cast into the bait schools, with a quick retrieve. The fish are in such a frenzy that they are fighting to get on the line! There is nothing quite as exciting as fishing when the fish are in such a frenzy!

Jew Shoal

Jew Shoal is located within Laguna Bay, and not far from Noosa Headland. Jew Shoal is a popular Dive site, as there is a huge pinnacle, ranging from around 18 meters up to around 6 meters. Boaties should be careful around Jew shoal in a sea, as it does break!
Jew Shoal is pretty much Noosa’s only fishing spot which is sheltered (unless the wind is from the North East). Snapper, Cod, and most reef species can be caught on Jew Shoal, but it is most popular for trawling baits through for Mackerel, during the Mackerel season.

Sunshine Reef

Sunshine Reef is located just off the Noosa Headland, and runs south for several miles. Most of Sunshine reef ranges in depth from about 25 meters to 35 meters. The fishing is almost always good on Sunshine reef, with Mackerel, Tuna, and Cobia inhabiting the area. Coral Trout, and many Cod species inhabit the caves and bombies. Moses Perch, Snapper, Sweetlip, Red Emperor, Yellow tail kingfish, Pearl perch, Parrot fish, and many other species can be found at Sunshine. It takes us around fifteen to twenty minutes to reach Sunshine reef from the bar in Laguna Cat.

Chardons Reef

Chardons Reef is due east of Noosa Heads. Chardons Reef is around the 50 meter deep mark, with areas shallower, and deeper. The ground between Sunshine Reef and Chardons is often fished for Mackerel, Tuna, and Mahi Mahi. We have even had days out there where we have had bait fish hiding between the motors of Laguna Cat, trying to escape the pelagic fish chasing them.
Chardons Reef is a hot spot for Snapper, Red Emperor, Scarlet sea perch, Pearl Perch, Teraglin Jew, and Cod species. It fires mostly over Winter, but Summer trips are often rewarded with Marlin, and other top end game fish.

North Reef

North Reef is north of Noosa Heads. Mostly around 50 meters deep, but areas deeper, and shallower. North reef is one of Noosa’s most popular fishing destinations. North reef holds Snapper, Coral Trout, Pearl perch, Teraglin Jew, Cod, Tuna, Mackerel, and even Marlin. I have had nine hour days at North Reef, where the anchor has not needed to be lifted once! The fishing can be fantastic at North Reef. Generally, it takes about 30 min to get to North Reef from the Noosa Bar.

Barwin Banks

The famous Barwin Banks is about a two and a half hour steam due east of Noosa Heads. It is around the 70 meter deep mark. The Banks are about the best of Noosa fishing, when they are working! It is not uncommon to head out there for the day, and be back after a few hours with the bag limits filled. The fish are big out at the Barwin Banks, and we only see fish the same size in closer, after a big rain!
The Barwin Banks are fished for Snapper, Red Emperor, and Pearl Perch.

Double Island Point

Double Island Point is located North of Noosa. It is another favourite fishing spot from Noosa. Due to it’s remoteness, Double Island Point stands largely untouched by most, and good fish can be found all around. It takes about two and a half hours to steam to Double Island Point from the Noosa bar.
Red Emperor, Snapper, Pearl Perch are not uncommon. It is worth a mention that Wolf Rock is one of the last Grey Nurse Shark habitats left, so this should be kept in mind while fishing the area!